We're here to help you experience the relief, satisfaction and freedom that comes with breaking free from the perfectionist cycle

As is the case for so many high-achievers, you know there was a time your perfectionist approach served you well – helping you succeed in ways that mattered to you. But like so many of us, you’re realizing that these same perfectionist patterns are now preventing you from leading the life you imagined for yourself – that you’re stuck in a perfectionist cycle of trying harder, working harder, sleeping less, blaming yourself, and looking to others to try to figure out what you must be doing wrong. The good news is that you CAN break free from this cycle. And we can help you so that you don’t have to do it alone. When you join our Beyond Perfect signature course, you’ll make meaningful progress in understanding your own perfectionist patterns, feel supported in your efforts to try different approaches, and experience the next-level success and satisfaction that comes with breaking free from the perfectionist cycle.

We’ve helped high-achievers hailing from:

Our results

Interested in learning more about the ways our research-backed approach supports proven results?

We're here to help you make lasting change

Our signature course includes the tools you need to break free of the perfectionist cycle

  • 8 weekly video trainings

  • 3 bonus video trainings

  • Suggested strategies to try in between sessions

  • Weekly prompts to support deeper reflection, if desired

  • A list of research-backed practices to integrate into daily life

  • Access to our Beyond Perfect discussion forum

  • Q&A with our lead trainer in between sessions

Break free of the perfectionist cycle

Join our inspiring program today

Through our signature course, you will:

  • Understand

    the roots of your perfectionist patterns, identifying the specific ways they once served you well but now limit your success and satisfaction

  • Recognize

    your own unique perfectionist tendencies so that you can easily spot them when they make an appearance

  • Practice

    engaging with a wide range of tools, approaches, and strategies that you can deploy in place of a perfectionist approach

  • Develop

    the language and confidence needed to communicate with others in your life about the changes you are making

  • Engage

    with other inspiring individuals who are also committed to reducing patterns of perfectionism in their lives

  • Experience

    the relief, satisfaction, pride and authentic connection that comes from breaking free from the perfectionist cycle


“This was a truly life-changing course for me. This course normalized my life of feeling I needed to be perfect: be the perfect mom, have the perfect house, do everything to the 100th degree, all while feeling under-appreciated, exhausted and burnt out! It helped me find the roots of my perfectionism and gave me tools to move forward anew. I now get even more done, but I enjoy the ride instead of only the destination! I never knew how much my perfectionism was standing in the way of my happiness. I cannot recommend this course enough!”


“I left each session feeling grounded, inspired, and with several new tools in my work communication and stress management toolbox. While I saw the results most immediately at work, Beyond Perfect also helped me reduce anxiety at home as I navigated big life stressors, including buying a house, or moving, and parenting young kids. I honestly have slept better at night because of Beyond Perfect!”


“I found the program to be incredibly helpful in building awareness of some of the tendencies that cause me to feel stress at work (and at home!), and in providing concrete tools to approach my life in a more sustainable, playful and connected way. I also believe the program is valuable even if you don’t strongly identify as a perfectionist, in part to gain greater awareness of societal patterns and healthy mental practices and/or to better understand how to support colleagues with perfectionist tendencies. The class ultimately freed up time in my daily life because I eliminated a couple of time-wasting habits, including obsessing over some small decisions. By being aware of when I was spiraling, I was able to recenter myself more often and be more productive.”


Learn from our lead trainer

Ashley Carter is the Founder of Beyond Perfect and the Lead Trainer for its signature course. As a result of her early education and career, Ashley understands the unique ways in which many high-achievers grapple with perfectionism. She attended college at Harvard and earned her MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. In addition to working in management consulting at BCG, she has spent her career founding and leading high-impact organizations. While her perfectionism enabled many of these educational and career achievements, Ashley began to see the limits of her perfectionist approach in her 30s. She started to experience the burnout, loneliness and exhaustion that is common among perfectionists, began to see how limiting her perfectionism was to creativity and connection in her professional and personal life, and acknowledged the toll it was taking her satisfaction and on those around her. As she worked to reduce perfectionism in her own life, she experienced the relief and satisfaction of leaving behind those patterns -- and started Beyond Perfect to bring those learnings and experiences to other high-achievers.


  • What is the time commitment?

    Weekly video lessons are approximately 20 minutes each and can be watched at the time that works best for you. Participants are encouraged to try out strategies in between sessions that take very little time, just intentionality! And optional, weekly prompts are available for those who desire deeper independent reflection.

  • Is this similar to therapy or a substitute for it?

    No. The Beyond Perfect experience is for learning, educational, and professional and personal development purposes, and does not constitute therapy, a therapeutic relationship, medical care or medical advice. Our team is not trained or licensed to provide therapy. However, many participants have reported the experience to be a very helpful complement to therapy. NOTICE: If you need the support of a mental health professional at any point during this course, please seek out that assistance immediately.

  • How do I seek reimbursement from my employer?

    Many employers have budgets available for employee professional development, training or wellness. Many participants have successfully sought partial or full reimbursement from their employer for the Beyond Perfect fee, given the benefits this program has in the workplace, including greater job satisfaction, decreased burnout, increased creativity, improved management and communication skills. It is for these reasons that Beyond Perfect offers corporate training programs. Contact us for materials and a letter you can customize to submit to your employer.

  • Does the course focus on perfectionism in specific areas of life?

    Participants in the course can tackle perfectionism in a range of areas, including work, parenting, their romantic relationships, their physical appearance, their home lives, their friendships, their creative endeavors and their spiritual lives - to name a few! Participants often join wanting to work on perfectionism in specific aspects of their lives and report making progress in those areas. Often, however, participants identify that perfectionism is at work in other aspects of their lives that they had little awareness of when they started the program.

  • Are results guaranteed?

    Through this course, you will have access to a wide range of knowledge and supports that have proven valuable for past participants. However, results vary by the degree to which you apply course concepts and recommendations to your everyday life, so this course is best suited for those who are committed to experimenting with different approaches in their work and personal lives.

Ready to feel inspired and empowered?

We're here to help you experience the relief, satisfaction and freedom that comes with breaking free from the perfectionist cycle

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